You are Pregnant and feel…

choose one

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Pregnant & Scared

The unknown can be scary and also very beautiful. I can support through providing information and strong emotional support.

“Giving birth to our babies, we may find that we give birth to new possibilities within ourselves." — Myla Kabat-Zinn

  • But Birth Givers have been doing this since the dawn of time.

    As your Birth Doula, I will work with you to adjust your perspective on Birth to a not-so-scary-one.

  • Perfect! You will do great!

    As your Doula I will answer ALL of your questions, share meaningful resources, and of course, provide you with the support your feel you need.

  • Well, the good news is, you may not even feel pain. Some would describe birth as intense, not always painful.

    As your doula I will train you in breathing techniques that with allow you to stay focused on your baby, and not the pain.

Pregnant & Excited

Alright, Lets connect and discuss birth! Lets see if we have a connection and what kind of support I can give you in birth or postpartum.

"The instant of birth is exquisite. Pain and joy are one at this moment. Ever after, the dim recollection is so sweet that we speak to our children with a gratitude they never understand." — Madeline Tiger

  • All you can think about is Birth? Do you need someone as excited as you are to talk Birth?

    As your Birth Doula, I will listen to all of your hopes, desires, intentions, and ideas.

  • You’ve already started making a Birth Plan, organizing all the details, and letting your entire network of friends know how they can be involved.

    As your Doula, I want in on this! 🤣 I can offer great tools such as digital birth plan templates, prep lists, and more!

  • I bet you want to move, squat, dance, and connect with your baby!?

    As your doula I will provide you will stretches that keep you feeling good, positions to get your baby into optimal positioning, and artsy ways to spend this time connecting and creating.

Pregnant & Curious

Ask me anything and I am more than Willing to provide you with answers!

“In this way, every birth is a natural birth: each of us is part of nature, not separate from it, and nature is always stunning in its variety. Your birth, then, is part of the natural world, however it unfolds.” — Lauralyn Curtis

  • You want to know more. How it works, what it will looks like, and how you might feel.

    As your Birth Doula, I will provide you with resources, and stories that will shed light on undefined areas.

  • You are interested in learning which options you have to choose from. From pregnancy, birth, and beyond, you want to know!

    As your Doula I will show you your options, and support you in which ever you choose. I am always PRO your choice!

  • I’ve got answers! I’ve been in the game long enough to have acquired many answers to common questions.

    As your doula I will be more than happy to answer, or find the answer to all of your questions.